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Since the time of Hippocrates olive oil has been reputed for its many therapeutic properties, especially for skin diseases. In antiquity, of course, not using soap for personal hygiene, people scrubbed their hair and body with olive oil to clean them, flavour them and make them more gentle. Olive oil for face benefits were widely […]

Olive Oil Benefits for Skin and Hair Olive Oil Benefits for Skin when used in a Bio way can help us moisturise, and regenerate our skin cells as well as soften our epidermis tissue. It is very well known and has passed from generation to generation for specifically this excellent capacities. Dermatologists recommend as very […]

Olive Oil Benefits Olive Oil Benefits are widelly appreciated in the Mediterranean. One of the greatest gifts of the Greek land is Olive Olive. Homer described it as “Gold Liquid”. According to nutritionists, Olive Oil is one of the main secrets of longevity. The benefits we gain from it are a lot. Olive oil: The […]

Anti Aging Tips For Staying Younger Longer While we cannot reverse the aging process or even stop or slow it down, we can help ourselves to stay younger longer. Here are some Anti Aging Tips For Staying Younger Longer. What do we mean?. Our lifestyle patterns and habits are the biggest influences on the way […]

What is an olive (Οlea Εuropaea) Ελιά – Olive: The blessed tree of Greece in mythology, history, science and its nutritional value. History and Mythology What is an Olive Tree ?. Olive tree worshiped by our ancient ancestors. According to Greek-Mythology, Athena donated to the Athenians the first olive tree in the world. The tree […]