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Olive Oil for Hair Health Olive Oil is one of the natural products that is not really missing from our kitchen. But, in addition to its great nutritional value, it can provide us with solutions to many of the problems we face in our daily beauty routine. Besides, it is no coincidence that it is […]

Cause of Aging Before I jump into the ingredients that I’ve found to work for my skin, I want to share a little about how our skin works, and what makes a skin cream good or bad. We get fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin because of the loss of collagen and elastin, this is the […]

Buy a Humidifier In winter low humidity and harsh winds, take their toll and deplete natural moisture. Skin requires between 25% to 30% humidity, and a heated room is usually around 10%. If you use a humidifier, you can return moisture to the air and your skin. Beneficial to relieve coughs and clear congestion. Keep […]

Organic food is food that is free from all genetically modified organisms, produced without artificial pesticides and fertilizers and derived from an animal reared without the routine use of antibiotics, growth promoters or other drugs. Once only available in small stores or farmers’ markets, organic foods are becoming much more widely available