12 Popular Home Remedies with Olive Oil for Ear Pain
How to cure ear infections
In the following article we will give you some tips on how to use olive oil for ear pain or infections in the comfort of your home.
At some point in our lives we have experienced some infection in our ears. There are a number of causes for this common illness. Some of these are the water that comes into our ears when we swim or bathe. Foreign objects or insects that have entered the ear canal, can cause ear infection.
Below will we give you some tips on how to cure these painful ear infections in the security of your own home by using olive oil for earache.
What You Should Know About Ear Problems and Infections
Infections of the ears if they are internal, are very serious and are less serious if they are external. Without proper treatment an ear infection can lead to loss of hearing (partial or total), dizziness as well as problems in hearing-and-balance activities.
External otitis or external ear infection is characterized by evacuation, pain, redness and temporary loss of hearing. It is generally caused by bacteria and, to a lesser extent, by fungi and viruses.
Otitis media or middle ear infection usually occurs in children, and its symptoms include fever, pain, irritability, partial hearing loss and lack of appetite for eating.
This occurs when the void of the middle ear is clogged with fluid and mucus. Some people are more susceptible to this type of infection and this condition can be chronic.
Internal otitis or internal ear infection can produce symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting and lack of balance. This happens when most of the ear’s interior is inflamed. It is not very common but the symptoms are intense.
12 Popular home made cures with olive oil for ear pain
- Fill a bottle of hot water (especially heat-insulated from the pharmacy) and cover it with a towel or cloth and hold it over to the infected ear. Heat acts as a painkiller while increasing blood circulation in the area and thereby helping to fight infection.
- Wash and chop three large apricots. Then, warm them in a pan and then apply them like a poultice on the infected ear.
- Cut a handful of basil leaves. Put them in a low heat until they are warm and then apply them as a poultice to the infected ear.
- Heat half a tablespoon of olive oil and soak one cotton. Place the cotton at the entrance of the ear and let it act for an hour.
- Slice an onion and rub it. Place it in a cloth and heat it in the microwave. Apply it as a compress to the infected ear.
- Heat a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil along with a grated clove of garlic. When they warm up, soak a cotton swab in the oil and place it at the entrance of the infected ear.
- Put two handfuls of rice in a steady fire and place it in a cloth bag or towel. Put it on a pillow and lie down on the pillow on the side of the infected ear.
- In a clean and dry glass bottle add seven drops of olive oil and the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Then add two cloves of melted garlic and stir well. Close the bottle and warm it up in a water bath for one minute. Once the liquid has completely warmed up, filter and drop a few drops into your ear. It is not recommended for cases involving a rupture of the drum or when the ear secretes a pus.
- In one litre of water boil two tablespoons of absinthe for 10 minutes. As the liquid begins to cool, let the steam enter the infected ear.
- Add two tablespoons of aphid to a cup of boiling water. Cover the cup and allow it to cool down. Soak a cotton cloth with this liquid and put it in your ear.
- Drain a lemon and soak a cotton cloth in its juice. Place it in your ear with gentle movements for 10 minutes, just before you fall asleep. This treatment is good for the pain caused by the accumulation of wax.
- Melt ten chamomile flowers in four tablespoons of olive oil and allow the mixture to stand for two days. Then apply the mixture in your ear with a piece of cotton.