Olive Oil for Hair Health
Olive Oil for Hair Health
Olive Oil is one of the natural products that is not really missing from our kitchen. But, in addition to its great nutritional value, it can provide us with solutions to many of the problems we face in our daily beauty routine. Besides, it is no coincidence that it is a key ingredient in several Bio Cosmetic and Olive Oil for Hair Products.
Since ancient Greece, olive oil has been the product of daily hair care. Rich in vitamins E, A, K and polyphenols, as well as its ability to be easily absorbed by the scalp, make it a supporter of the health of cutaneous cells.
Ancient sources report that olive oil was particularly used in various cosmetic care by both women and men. Women dipped their comb in olive oil and warm water before their daily hairstyle, giving them strong and shiny hair.
Even today, Olive Oil for hair continues to be used by people with hair loss and dry skin problems. In addition, people use it as a hair care mask since it nourishes the cells, strengthens the hair pockets and gives shine.
Hair Care Treatment
The application of olive oil for hair treatment is very simple. Before washing, gently massage the roots of hair with olive oil for Hair and then spread to the edges.
Cover your hair with a towel or cap. You are doing so, because heat helps absorb the Oil. Leave it for at least 30 mins before shampooing. To remove the oil from your hair more easily, apply shampoo before you wet it.
Your hair will become stronger healthier looking and shiny. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week. Once the problem has passed, it is advisable to repeat two or three times a month.
4 Natural recipes to use Olive Oil for Hair treatment
- Damaged edges. Spread a small amount of olive oil into the damaged, dehydrated edges of your hair just before you sleep and wash the next day.
- Dandruff. Mix very well in a bowl lemon juice and olive oil and apply the mask carefully on your scalp and leave it for at least 30 mins. Before you wash it.
- Shine and revitalization. Apply some olive oil on your dry hair and then cover them with a shower cap. Use the dryer – still wearing the cap – to simply dry them. After your hair are dry, wash them as usual. The end result will amaze you since you will see instant glow.!
- Extra hydration. Add a few drops of olive oil to your conditioner. Be careful not to overdo it – and use it as usual.! It will give an extra moisture to your dry and damaged hair!